The majority of electronic signatures created are “simple” signatures (SES) because they are unbeatable in terms of user-friendliness and ease of use.
There are no defined requirements for the SES and they are not listed in the eIDAS. Here a document can be signed with 2 clicks, without identity verification and without consent. The signatories could thus theoretically simply deny that they signed the document. The SES can also be in the form of a scanned signature or the abbreviation scribbled on the terminal at the parcel deliverer.
With tegolySIGN, however, the evidential value for internal documents is strengthened, as we are dealing here with signatories who are already identified in the AD (Active Directory). For external signatories, we store time and IP address in the certificate file. This increases the probative value and, in the event of litigation, the credibility of the signature and the document. In the certificate file, each step can thus be traced for internal and external signatories.
Sample Documents
Here are some examples of the SES:
Orders/ Order Confirmations
Privacy policy
General Terms and Conditions
Contracts for the sale of movable property
Service contracts
Permanent employment contracts
Non-disclosure agreements
Copyright Statement
Inspection confirmations (real estate)
Handover protocols (real estate)
Mandate Letters
Property insurance
Corporate insurance